We're currently developing a feature to request a refund directly from your account. Currently, this is only available for members who’ve started a monthly membership after a trial. We plan for this feature to be available for all members in the future. Click here, for further information on refunds.
To claim your refund via your account, click the link below:
Scroll down to 'Payment History' and click 'Request Refund'.
You’ll be shown some alternative membership options. Choose one of these or click ‘No thanks, continue to refund and cancel’.
Select the refund method and reason for refund from the options provided before clicking ‘Submit’.
A message will appear on the screen to show your refund request has been submitted and you’ll receive an email update within 7 working days.
Unable to request a refund through the website?
If you find you're unable to request a refund following the instructions above, please contact TwinklCares with the following details:
- email address on your account,
- date and cost of your most recent membership payment,
- reason for refund,
- the name of any recent downloads. This is to ensure the team are requesting the refund for the correct account.
Refund requests are reviewed by the Finance Team and can take up to 7 working days to be reviewed and processed.
If you’re looking to keep your membership, one of the articles below may be of more help.
How Do I Search For Resources?
How Do I Downgrade a Membership?
How Do I Switch from Monthly Payments to Annual Payments?
Alternatively, If you’re wanting to keep your membership but can’t afford your current bundle, contact TwinklCares who can help find the membership that’s right for your needs.