Saving your resource as soon as possible and at regular intervals whilst you are creating it, is good practice.
To save your resource, add a title in the box at the top of the page and click the ‘Save’ icon.
To download, click the green ‘Download’ button at the top right of the page.
Once you have clicked 'Download', a window will open giving you a preview of the resource, click 'Save & Download'. This will download the resource in PDF format.
Click on the resource to open it and then click the 'Print' symbol. Alternatively, you can open your PDF reader, open the resource from your 'Downloads' folder and then select 'Menu' and 'Print'.
This video will demonstrate how to save, download and print a resource made in the Twinkl Symbols Web Tool.
If you experience any issues with printing, the 'Tech Support' area has lots of helpful articles and TwinklCares are also happy to help.
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