Update your preferred payment method for your membership at any time.
Sign in to your Twinkl account and follow these steps:
- Visit the 'Payment & Memberships' area of your account.
- Scroll down to ‘Payment Methods’ and click 'Add payment method'.
- Enter your new payment method details and click ‘Add payment method’.
- Once entered, click the plus symbol in the 'Primary' column so that a green tick appears.
Your next membership payment will be taken from the payment method that has a tick in the 'Primary' column.
To remove an old payment method, click the bin symbol in the 'Delete' column.
Missing or Expired Payment Methods
If a payment method has expired or is missing from an account, a pop-up will appear on the screen. Click the 'Add payment method' button to add a new payment method directly to your account. The payment method added will become the primary payment method on the account and the next membership payment will be taken from this.
Further Help
Please contact TwinklCares who are happy to help.