Found the perfect resource, but can't download it right now? Save the resource and download it later.
Save resources
To save a resource, sign in to your account and follow these steps:
- Find the resource you want to save and hover your mouse over the preview picture.
- A 'Save' icon will appear in the top right of the image. Click this to add the resource to the My Saved Resources page in your account.
Download saved resources
Download a resource in the 'My Saved Resources' area by clicking on the resource. This will open the resource page. Click the 'Download Now' button to download the resource to your device.
Organise saved resources
Organising your saved resources into folders can make resources easier to find when you're ready to download them. Follow the steps below to organise your resources into a folder.
- In ‘My Saved Resources’ click 'Create New Folder' to the left of the resources. This can be edited or deleted at a later date using the icons next to the folder. The bell icon allows you to set a reminder for the folder.
- Click the tick box of each resource you’d like to add to the folder.
- Select the folder name from the drop down menu above the resources and click 'Copy'.
When you're ready to delete a resource from your saved resources, follow the steps in this article.
Please don't hesitate to contact TwinklCares if you'd like any help with this.